Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct of interfaceforce eK
(hereinafter referred to as IFF)
This code of conduct applies to all employees, owners, service providers and the IFF and is intended to serve as a guide for daily work and provide a basic framework for behavior.
- Dos and don'ts
- fairness and respect
- environmental protection, health and safety
- quality and safety of our products
- Personal data protection
- protection of assets and information security
- antitrust law and fair competition
- behavior towards third parties
- anti-corruption
- dealing with conflicts of interest
- Communication and Social Media
- Financial Integrity
Violations of the standards of conduct set out in this code can result in a loss of trust and economic damage, but can also lead to criminal prosecution. Violations of this code of conduct and any violations can lead to disciplinary measures up to and including termination of employment.
fairness and respect
When dealing with each other and with third parties, the principles of tolerance, respect, objectivity and fairness always apply. The appreciation of all employees, service providers and suppliers is a sign of our openness and tolerance. We respect individual personalities and reject any form of contempt and discrimination. We promote equal opportunities and reject any form of discrimination.
Environmental Protection, Health & Safety
IFF is unconditionally committed to protecting people and the environment and is constantly working to improve procedures and processes in order to minimize environmental pollution and health risks. Together we are responsible for the careful use of these resources and are obliged to comply with the relevant laws. Any violations must be reported immediately so that appropriate countermeasures can be taken and the relevant authorities can be informed if necessary.
quality and safety of our products
As a service provider, our work focuses on advising on and providing safe and precise metrological products. IFF's good reputation in the industry is based on the fact that we sell or recommend high-quality products. To ensure that this good reputation is maintained in the future, we guarantee the highest quality of our products and services. This means in particular that the metrological requirements of the relevant authorities are complied with.
Personal data protection
We respect the privacy rights of all individuals and process personal data only for specific business purposes and protect this data from unauthorized access. IFF takes all necessary measures to treat personal data confidentially and to collect, process and use it exclusively in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.
protection of assets and information security
IFF's property is crucial to the company's success and is therefore particularly worthy of protection. The company's property includes not only material goods, such as measuring devices and sensors and buildings, but also intangible goods, such as know-how, scientific and technical knowledge, business processes, etc. Many of these goods are confidential and represent the company's trade secrets. These trade secrets must be particularly protected from access by third parties. The same applies to information that IFF receives from third parties and uses for business operations; this too must be treated as confidential and protected from access by third parties. Everyone is therefore obliged to handle the company's property and the property of third parties that has been made available to IFF or entrusted to it with care, to protect it from access by third parties and to use it only for legitimate purposes. We are obliged to use the confidential information that comes to our attention in the course of our work exclusively for our work for the company and not for personal purposes. Information, processes and the supporting systems are of significant value to... Protecting information is an important task. Everyone is obliged to protect all information that is not publicly known, without this generally entailing further obligations, such as marking it as "confidential". Violations must be reported immediately.
antitrust law and fair competition
IFF is committed to free, fair and undistorted competition and therefore expects everyone to act within the framework of the laws against restrictions on competition. In particular, these prohibit agreements and concerted practices between competitors that may unlawfully impair or prevent competition or that have the purpose or effect of restricting or distorting competition (e.g. price fixing, unfair customer allocation, market sharing). Regardless of their business situation, IFF employees must always know and observe the applicable laws and regulations and adhere to the basic principle of fair competition.
behavior towards third parties
Just as in our daily behavior among ourselves, the same standards apply to our behavior towards third parties. Business relationships with third parties are based on quality, reliability, competitive pricing and other objective factors, but not on illegal behavior. This includes, among other things, that we market and sell our services in accordance with all relevant rules and regulations and refrain from using forced or exploitative child labor in any way. We also expect our business partners to comply with applicable law and so we select our business partners carefully. In this respect, all our employees are expected to comply with all applicable regulations, especially in the areas of embargoes, sanctions and money laundering.
No one may illegally demand, accept, allow, promise, offer or grant personal advantages in direct or indirect connection with their professional activities. This applies in particular to the initiation, awarding or processing of contracts of any kind. IFF will not tolerate any kind of corrupt behavior. Our cooperation has various facets and ranges from advice and sales to service and instruction on the safe and efficient use of our products to the involvement of experts in special technical questions within the framework of development projects. What is permitted depends to a large extent on national rules and regulations, which must be strictly adhered to and which should be specified in internal guidelines.
Depending on national regulations, IFF employees and service providers may offer small meals or small gifts to a limited extent. The overarching principle is that our business activities are conducted in an open and transparent manner in order to avoid even the mere appearance of improper influence. This also means that any donations may be subject to disclosure requirements.
dealing with conflicts of interest
IFF employees and service providers must always clearly and unambiguously separate their own private interests from those of the company. This applies in particular to business relationships with third parties or personnel decisions. They must always act in the best interests of IFF and not seek any personal advantages through business transactions. All situations in which personal or financial interests conflict must be disclosed and documented.
Communication and Social Media
It is important that our private activities do not interfere with our responsibilities at IFF. Expressing personal opinions must not imply any connection with the opinion or position of IFF. This applies to all statements made by employees, especially on social media. In relation to social media, IFF employees and service providers are also subject to a standard of conduct based on respect, confidentiality, credibility, transparency, loyalty and honesty, and free from discrimination.
Financial Integrity
As an international company, we are obliged to comply with national and international tax regulations. We therefore reject any kind of tax abuse and do not support any actions by customers, business partners and employees that are intended to mislead the tax authorities.