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force transducer

for almost any measuring task. In addition to the various designs (e.g. flat profile version, cylindrical, as a load cell, load ring, miniature, S- or Z-shaped, bending beam or measuring bolt), there are hermetically sealed versions made of rust-proof material that guarantee long-term, reliable measurement results even in harsh environments (including Ex). Our portfolio consists of strain gauge-based sensors, mostly from our own production. All sensors are supplied with a calibration certificate and our laboratories are ISO-17025 accredited.

Flat profile force transducer
Measuring ranges up to 10 MN
High load versions
measuring range up to 30 MN
up to 800kN/40kN·m
S-shaped force transducer
Measuring ranges up to 50kN
Miniature force transducer
Measuring ranges up to 250kN
Measuring pins
& bending beams up to 15MN
force measuring rings
Measuring ranges up to 5MN
Load cells
Measuring ranges up to 50kN
special solutions
please speak to us

Torque transducer

from interfaceforce in strain gauge technology (SG) offer solutions on rotating shafts but also for dynamic and static long-term measurements in non-rotating applications. In basic research or quality control for universities or industry, our sensors are predestined for a wide variety of tasks under difficult conditions in terms of geometry, temperature range and dynamics.

Torque transducer static
measuring ranges up to 350k Nm
Torque transducer rotating
measuring ranges up to 10k Nm
combination Mz and Fz
up to 6DoF

Measuring amplifier

Here you will find the precision calibration device as well as the simple weighing indicator, measuring amplifier, inline amplifier, information about internal strain gauge amplifiers, multi-channel data acquisition, USB measuring amplifiers, built-in devices, handheld devices with TEDS, wireless telemetry systems and also acquisition software BlueDAQ & Toolkit.

handheld device with USB & TEDS
8-channel measuring amplifier
DIN rail DMS

Systems for measuring pressure distribution

Due to the ultra-flexible sensors in a wide range of geometries and sensor densities, XSENSOR has already become the standard development instrument in many areas of industry and medicine. The imaging pressure measurement systems offer precise, but above all reproducible results and are supplied with a calibration certificate from the ISO-17025 accredited laboratory.

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